The Voice as Professional Instrument

We are a leading provider of voice and drama instruction, executive voice coaching and communication skills training.


More and more, these days, the professional must convey credibility, empathy, firmness and concision in his speech. You need to possess skills and abilities that give you a competitive advantage in the labor market.

Enhance your professional image. Executive training can improve your presentation and lecture skills, help you argue with conviction and communicate with media.

Vices of language, mispronounced words, vocal problems (such as a timid, aggressive, childish, monotone or hoarse voice), as well as body language and inadequate gesturing all compromise your professional performance.

Maximize the impact of your communication:


    Enhance your company’s corporate image by improving staff communication skills.

    Customized training to meet your specific need.


Voice work is an extremely important part of the acting technique. As an actor, your voice is your instrument, your way to express and release emotions. The binomials, voice and body, must be in tune and authentic to establish an immediate connection with the audience.
Theatre, cinema and TV all need different voice intensities, physiognomy, body language, and positioning in relation to the audience.

Theatre demands greater voice intensity. Actors must have the ability to project their voice to reach the global space of the theatre, even during an intimate scene. One of the greatest difficulties in this area is speaking loud enough without losing vocal and emotional subtleties.

TV and cinema require less projection, but microphones amplify everything, including noisy breathing and sibilant phonemes. Postures and gestures need to be more restrained while still matching physiognomic expression and the overall aesthetic: any exaggeration undermines the actor’s performance.

Remember, voice can help or hinder free expression: a good vocal warm up always benefits your performance.


Improve your impact through voice and speech training and by fixing vocal chord problems.
  • Reduce the impact of nodules and polyps on the vocal folds, as well as glottal, and other organic and functional problems
  • Fix a nasal, frail, slurred, thick, hoarse or childish voice; rapid speech and stuttering
  • Improve articulation, dyslalia, exchang of letters, expression and vocal freedom
  • Voice reeducation for TV and radio presenters, lecturers, teachers, call centre operators, politicians, sales people, directors and actors
  • For speech and singing


The Media Training program can prepare you to deal with news reporters. Interact more effectively with print, radio, and television journalists, answer questions clearly and concisely, and pose, gesture, and face the camera, and microphone with absolute confidence.

The training includes practical exercises to enhance verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as correct vocal problems, vices of language, body language and anxiety.

Journal of Voice

[ Articles related to speech and other relevant resource ]


Watch a VIDEO LARYNGOSCOPY and see how Vocal Folds work.